lets you plot neurons in 2d using matplotlib
(nice for figures), and in 3d using either plotly
when in a notebook environment like Deepnote or using a vispy
-based 3D viewer when using a Python terminal. The vispy
solution won’t work in Deepnote so we will focus on matplotlib
’s 2d and plotly
for 3d.
import navis
# This is relevant because Deepnote does not (yet) support fancy progress bars
# Load one of the example neurons shipped with navis
n = navis.example_neurons(1, kind='skeleton')
WARNING: Could not load OpenGL library.
# Make a 2d plot
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n)
# Note that this is equivalent to
# fig, ax = n.plot2d()
If you have seen an olfactory projection neuron before, you might have noticed that this neuron is upside-down. That’s because hemibrain neurons have an odd orienation in that the anterior-posterior axis not the z- but the y-axis (they have been image from above).
For us that just means we have to turn the camera ourselves if we want a frontal view:
# Make a 2d plot
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n)
# Change camera (azimuth + elevation)
ax.azim, ax.elev = -90, -90
Let’s do the same in 3d:
# Get a list of neurons
nl = navis.example_neurons(5)
# Plot
navis.plot3d(nl, width=1000)
- left click and drag to rotate (select “Orbital rotation” above the legend to make your life easier)
- mousewheel to zoom
- middle-mouse + drag to translate
- click legend items (single or double) to hide/unhide
Above plots are very basic examples but there are a ton of ways to tweak things to your liking. For a full list of parameters check out the docs for plot2d
and plot3d
Let’s for example change the colors. In general, colors can be:
- a string - e.g.
or just"r"
- an rgb/rgba tuple - e.g.
(1, 0, 0)
for red
# Plot all neurons in red
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n, color='r')
ax.azim, ax.elev = -90, -90
# Plot all neurons in red (color as tuple)
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n, color=(1, 0, 0, 1))
ax.azim, ax.elev = -90, -90
When plotting multiple neurons you can either use:
- a single color (
or(1, 0, 0)
) -> assigned to all neurons - a list of colors (
['r', 'yellow', (0, 0, 1)]
) with a color for each neuron - a dictionary mapping neuron IDs to colors (
{1734350788: 'r', 1734350908: (1, 0, 1)}
) - the name of a
color palette
# Plot with a specific color palette
navis.plot3d(nl, color='jet')